Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

A Spanish copy of the filing can be downloaded here.

A English copy of the filing can be downloaded here.

What does this filing mean?

The court is asked  to nullify the 2023 AGM and all following actions and award legal costs to plaintiffs. If the court agrees all elections, all budgets etc. from 2023 on forward are declared invalid.

What are the key implications?

The HOA budget is reset to the status of 2022 plus adjustment for inflation for 2023 and 2024. Surveillance Committee and Administrator lose their powers and their actions become invalid. It will be as if the meetings have never happened.

Why was this filing necessary?

Requests from property owners to rectify the situation were ignored and the Administrator and the Surveillance committee ignored the requirements given by the law to hold a valid AGM and thereby violated the rights of property owners to fair proceedings.