Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.


Welcome to Haciendas Palos Verde Legal

Haciendas Palo Verde is a beautiful development of with 106 homes/lots north of La PAZ. This website provides information for existing and new Property Owners about the current legal situation.

Long standing issues

Over the years there were recurring discussions in assemblies and out side of them about the legality of the HOA management. For new Home Owners it was very difficult to get a clear picture of the actual facts.

So, a group of new owners started a three month project to track down the legal documentation. Our work started out as an attempt to document the legal structure of Haciendas Palo Verde as a reference for homeowners.

Former developer spreads misinformation

As part of this effort the former developer Rick Byers held a meeting on January 24th 2022 and provided his view of the legal constitution of Haciendas Palo Verde. His central claim was that Haciendas Palo Verde had “carve outs” and was of a type that freed it from following the Law. “knock yourself out”, “We can do what we want.”

Uncovering the facts

As we pulled the strings, obtaining the legal documents, consulted the Law and legal experts in the field, we found none of what Rick Byers stated in this meeting to be true. Haciendas Palo Verde is a regular Condominium of Land, that must follow all the provisions of the Law.

Irregularities and corruption

Additional we found irregularities how the HOA was run and how HOA fees are assessed. Many of the HOA rules are violating numerous laws and some are benefitting the developer.

As we discovered the corruption, we found the Administrator and members of the illegally appointed board conspired with the developer to hide the facts and cloud the issues. The HOA management did not obtain their own objective and independent counsel but relied on the attorney paid by the developer. This attorney provided pandering “legal opinions” in a desperate attempt to give some fake justification to the illegality of the actions of the developer and the administration. The HOA Management adopted these pandering “legal opinion” as their official positions. 

HOA management uses defamation and harassments to defend their untenable positions.

Property Owners working on this website have been subjected to intimidation tactics, extreme vitriol, and physical assault. The administrator specifically has engaged in defamation and harassments and cooperated intensely with one assailant. She suppresses all objective information in forums controlled by her and is attacking and harassing homeowners asking legitimate questions.

Absurd claims by the HOA management

Overwhelmed by facts the conspirators claim in a last ditch effort a false “de-facto” state of special kind of Condominium Regime that would give them an excuse to violate the Law. (Touristico). “De-facto” off course means: exercising power as if legally constituted (Miriam Webster). Claiming “de-facto” is nothing else than a confession the HOA is not run on legally constituted rules.

If you are a member of the Haciendas Palo Verde Home Owners association and you an to join other Home Owners in a constructive and collaborative way to reform the current illegal structures you can join a dedicated private Facebook group by emailing the webmaster