Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

Current Affairs

A lawful administration of Haciendas Palo Verde is currently replaced by a racket run by the administration in connection with a mostly rogue Supervisory board.

Since they have no legal means to enforce their unlawful measures, like HOA dues, they resort to racketeering and harassments  of homeowners, who do not go along with their racket. Anybody who has asked questions and  demanded a lawful administration has been exposed to some form of harassment by this gang.

A group of homeowners have involved the judicial system and paid their dues into court in a legal procedure that forces the HOA to give written answers to questions. The administrator Ariana Sanchez conspired with one of the Board members, Dave Tipton, to harass and wrongly accuse these homeowners. In complete disregard for the Law they suspended services to these homeowners and made false statements to officials.

This Current Affairs section will document and publish this abuse with appropriate timings.