Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

Defamation refers to the act of making false statements or spreading false information about someone that harms their reputation. It involves communication, either spoken (slander) or written (libel), that damages the reputation of an individual. Defamation generally involves false statements presented as facts, rather than opinions, and these false statements must be harmful to the reputation of the subject.

The administrator of Haciendas Palo Verde has slandered and libeled property owners. Her accusations are certain property owners had not paid there share and HOA dues rightfully owed.

Unfortunately the above statement about the Administrator can be backed up with facts.

To the right is a receipt signed by the administrator that a certain property owner has paid his HOA dues in full.

Beginning of November 2023 the Administrator addresses a letter to the front gate stating as a  fact a number of Property owners, including the one mentioned in above receipt, had not paid their dues and therefore services suspended. 

The Administrator and the Surveillance committee for the years 2022 and 2023 had demanded an illegal special assessment. Property Owners disputed this special assessment and when the Administrator and Board refused to recognize the illegality of their actions the property owners had to file in their defense a law suite.

It is a human right to have recourse to a court of law when confronted with unjustified demands and until a decision is reached all hostilities have to cease.
But that is not how the Administrator and Board feel. Instead to wait for the court to decide the dispute they started to  cut services, the property owners had fully paid for and  impeded  access to their property.

The property owners had no other choice than to protect themselves with legal means and filed criminal and civil suits against this abuse.

So here is a rogue HOA management that violates the laws and abuses its position to harm property owners in their rights. But it did not stop there.

The administrator and her allies defamed the property owners as “rich people to harass the poor Administrator with lawsuits”, and instigated hatred in the not so well informed members of the community by stating wrong facts about them not  paying their dues. It comes to violent excesses, assault and mobbing against these property owners.

The best friend of the administrator went so far to register fake accounts in Facebook to publish defamatory content about an number of property owners.: Johnny Rivera alias for Janet Wheelock.