Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

The Administrator of HPV has enlisted an Attorney to provide a legal opinion.

We reviewed this legal opinion and analyzed it.

In our view the letter misrepresents the law on multiple occasions and does nothing to address the legal issues at HPV.

We are concerned the Administrator and others are misled in believing this letter has any kind of legal significance. And saddened that our HOA dues are wasted on it. It is the opinion of one lawyer, nothing else.

Look for yourself, we take you through the 7 topics of the letter. We tried to keep the analysis as concise and easily understandable as possible.

Update April 2 2021

After the letter was presented as an official statement of the HOA we asked the administration who paid for it and our question did not receive any answer.

A few days ago we learned the letter was provided and paid for by the developer of Haciendas Palo Verde, who is valued Homeowner of our community.

We are mystified, why the letter was presented as the official legal statement of the HOA without mentioning its origin. 

In our opinion it shows the Administration and the Board give a single Homeowner a disproportionate influence on HPV business.

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