Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

Another example how our Administrator harasses Property Owners.

The trigger in this case is a small tree in the backyard of lot 80. The administrator showed up unannounced at the front door of lot 80 and demanded a “tree inspection”. This is the same person that a few weeks ago stated she was so mortified that she needed protective orders to prevent property owners from attending the AGM. Yet here she is unannounced at the front door of the same property owner making demands. As far as she is concerned, she locks herself into her office and everybody has to make a prior appointment announcing the purpose of the visit.

With this background she was asked to remove herself and her companions from private property. Without a proper appointment they had no right to be there.

Next the Administrator sent an email demanding the trimming of a small tree in the backyard of lot 80. This tree is about 80-100 meters away from any other residence, as lot 80 is surrounded by empty lots. At that distance a tree cannot block the view, the tree is part of the view.

When the property owner did not agree with her bogus request, she started to demand fines and block services the property owner had paid for and was legally entitled to receive.

The property owner then filed a complaint with the Surveillance Committee laying out the details of the harassment by the Administrator and petitioned for a review.

The President Steve La Fond had the audacity to call this petition in a letter from April 24th 2023  as “ …threatening and intimidating communications…”.

One has to ask. What is he doing as an HOA president if he feels threatened and intimidated by facts and a simple petition. It is the job of the surveillance committee to address HOA related issues and especially supervise the legality of the actions of the Administrator. 

For everybody to see, here is the copy of the petition that explains in detail how the Administrator violated our bylaws.