Haciendas Palo Verde Legal

Legal Information for Property Owners.

The Administration assesses HOA Dues using illegal measures 

The law requires that the expenses of a Condominium regime have to be assessed on the basis of their share of co-ownership.

That is not to say this is the fairest way to assess HOA Dues, but it is the way the Law requires it.

The HPV Administration varies from the law in 2 important ways:

1. The distribution uses as key the number of lots instead of the share of  co-ownership as required by Law.

This problem was introduced as an unlawful regulation at the time of incorporation.

2. The Budget for a calendar year is artificially split in two positions. The first position is distributed for all lots, the second position only between built lots.

A meeting of the Home Owners Association  2017 introduced this scheme. This attempt was unlawful on multiple levels and applying it to assess HOA Dues leads to invalid results.

The table below shows the top 30 ‘Winners” (lots who pay less as required by law) and losers (lots who pay more than required by Law).

This analysis is for the budget Year 2022 alone. One can multiply by 5 to get a rough estimate what the damage or gain is since inception of this scheme in 2017.

A number 1,234 signifies an overpayment. A number in parenthesis  (1,234) signifies an underpayment

Top 30 Lots who overpay based on the Budget for 2022.

The table shows Lot #34 paid HOA Dues 6,838 Pesos in excess to what is owed by law. And Lot #97 7,627 pesos more than legal.

 Lot #Legal DuesScheme DuesDifferenceType
197        11,817              19,445           7,627Casa
299        11,866              19,445           7,579Casa
349        11,946              19,445           7,498Casa
434        12,606              19,445           6,838Casa
5113        12,687              19,445           6,758Casa
619        12,719              19,445           6,726Casa
7115        12,816              19,445           6,629Casa
861        13,057              19,445           6,388Casa
932        13,202              19,445           6,243Casa
1069        13,250              19,445           6,194Casa
1171        13,250              19,445           6,194Casa
1263        13,266              19,445           6,178Casa
1365        13,266              19,445           6,178Casa
1476        13,572              19,445           5,872Casa
1564        13,685              19,445           5,760Casa
1694        13,685              19,445           5,760Casa
1739        13,765              19,445           5,679Casa
1886        13,765              19,445           5,679Casa
1992        13,765              19,445           5,679Casa
2082        13,975              19,445           5,470Casa
2152        14,039              19,445           5,405Casa
2274        14,216              19,445           5,228Casa
2322        14,232              19,445           5,212Casa
2480        14,232              19,445           5,212Casa
2536        14,329              19,445           5,116Casa
2640        14,329              19,445           5,116Casa
2787        14,361              19,445           5,083Casa
2826        14,409              19,445           5,035Casa
2996        14,892              19,445           4,552Casa
30104        15,311              19,445           4,134Casa

Top 30 Lots who underpay based on the budget for 2022.

The table shows Lot $ 81 pays 6,781 less of what is owed by law. And Lot # 95 49,413 less than the legal amount.

 Lot #Legal DuesScheme DuesDifference Type
195        60,504              11,090      (49,413)Lot
288        25,003              11,090      (13,913)Lot
351        17,871              11,090        (6,781)Lot
481        17,855              11,090        (6,765)Lot
524        17,710              11,090        (6,620)Lot
645        17,629              11,090        (6,539)Lot
7108        17,597              11,090        (6,507)Lot
8114        17,565              11,090        (6,475)Lot
931        17,179              11,090        (6,088)Lot
1046        16,535              11,090        (5,444)Lot
1128        16,390              11,090        (5,299)Lot
12110        16,358              11,090        (5,267)Lot
1342        16,052              11,090        (4,961)Lot
1435        15,971              11,090        (4,881)Lot
15118        15,971              11,090        (4,881)Lot
1637        15,665              11,090        (4,575)Lot
17106        15,456              11,090        (4,366)Lot
1847        15,214              11,090        (4,124)Lot
1943        15,053              11,090        (3,963)Lot
2062        15,037              11,090        (3,947)Lot
2158        15,021              11,090        (3,931)Lot
2230        14,909              11,090        (3,818)Lot
2360        14,909              11,090        (3,818)Lot
2454        14,844              11,090        (3,754)Lot
2556        14,796              11,090        (3,706)Lot
2659        14,603              11,090        (3,512)Lot
27107        14,232              11,090        (3,142)Lot
2875        14,216              11,090        (3,126)Lot
2973        14,120              11,090        (3,029)Lot
3070        14,087              11,090        (2,997)Lot